Every human has a nervous system comprised of the brain and spinal cord. That is the body’s pathway to being connected. At Hometown Chiropractic Center, we create an individualized care plan to best suite your health needs. Through treatment suited for you, you are able to be and feel connected, creating an individual ready to thrive!
We can agree that with modern day schedules - whether it be work, kids or travel - our minds and bodies undergo plenty of stress. This mental, physical and emotional stress, if not properly adapted to, often time presents itself within our bodies as symptoms. We know from experience that health and wellness are more than just “feeling good” and just because you don’t feel sick, doesn’t mean you feel as great as you could. We focus on what others don’t. HTCC is on a mission to make Tomahawk a happier and healthier community!
In our culture, we grow to accept a decline in health as we age, but it is also unnecessary. A body functioning at its fullest potential as an adult, contrary to popular belief, is well within our reach, and it can actually keep getting better as we grow older. There’s no need to wait to get sick or have pain. Instead, you will embark on a journey of a healthier lifestyle, healing, and feeling better. Alongside us, the help of our scanning technologies and the advances in the chiropractic field of health and wellness, it is our main goal to help you heal, live fully and reach your optimal health daily.
Dr. Kelley is trained in and uses many different chiropractic techniques such as Diversified, MC2 Tonal Technique, Thompson, Activator Technique, and Webster Technique. She attends multiple seminars every year to stay current on chiropractic advancements and learn new techniques so that every adjustment is tailored to the person on the table and what their body needs.
Be the best version of you.
Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Care
Adults of all ages who invest in consistent chiropractic care can experience:
Less stress
Increased focus
Improved energy levels
Improved work performance
Increased flexibility and mobility
Better athletic performance
Increased immune function
Decreased inflammation
Improved sleep